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Ventilation & Flow Simulation Forums

Neil Roman

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Posts posted by Neil Roman

  1. Hi


    I am currently away from home (abroad) and do not have access to my backups.  I properly saved and closed a large design file, and shut down my PC for travelling.  When I try to open the file, I get an error "Missing or incomplete GZIP trailer.  Expected 8 bytes, got 0."  This is a big problem as I need to work on this file.  Can anything be done to fix it?

  2. Thanks Martin - I think I've done this before by accident, but forgot where it was.  My model (coal mine) WAS about 700 000 branches in 7 stages.  I have since reduced it to 135 000 by merging stages and some filtering.  I usually just hit F5 (not sure which option this is) - when I select from the Run menu, I use the matrix solver.

  3. Hi all

    Maybe a silly request, but is there a way to re-open the Network Warnings popup box once you have closed it?   I have a bad habit of closing it when it is in the way, and then 1 minute later I want it again, especially while calibrating my model.  My model is huge, and the only way I can get it back is to re-solve, which takes several minutes.

  4. Thanks Martin - I will try manually. I have used a company licence for years on the same pc and it hasn't been a problem, although i am now using my own security software. If i let the updater try, it just gives up after a few minutes with no message.

  5. I have purchased a 3-month rental of Ventsim Advanced and am currently on Ver  Every time I start the program, it advises that an update is available (5.4), but the software will not update.  Are updates not included with rental?

    Neil Roman

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