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Ventilation & Flow Simulation Forums

Miguel Coelho

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Everything posted by Miguel Coelho

  1. Hi Craig Thank you I had the monitors in and saw that it was clearing. The playback not working through me off a bit. I was trying to show the blast propagation every 30min by stepping through the playback and taking screenshots. I’ll play around with the colour legend to get to the results I want. Thanks Miguel
  2. Hi I have a few questions that I couldn't find as previously answered in the forum. I'm in the process of simulating blast clearances in Ventsim 6. 1. How do I playback the blast clearance? I was trying to move the slider in the image below backwards to playback the blast clearance but it doesn't allow that function. I would like to be able to step through the blast clearance simulation to various points in time to and visually see the blast fume clearance. 2. How do I set the blast clearance limits or is Ventsim setup to clear on 0ppm CO & NOx? I would like to be able to set a clearance by the OEL of the applicable mine standards or mining legislation? In my case 25 ppm for CO and 3 ppm for NOx. 3. Is there a way to have the blast solution ignore areas that have flows of less than Xm3/s (in my example <3m3/s) which contain blast fumes and are immaterial to the blast solution? Thank you for the assistance.
  3. Hi I'm busy simulating a small level of a mine ( a micro model). I have connected the intake and exit of the level as connected to surface. I have the surface set as follows, this is the surface design values. When the simulation runs it calculates the correct VRT and I have included a fixed point to correct for that specific levels input temperature. However every time I run the simulation the message box as below appears. I don't want the message box to show each time as it to click Yes and then your simulation results will be different. So I then edited the BP for the depth of the level, adjusted the surface datum of mine grid and set the Surface rock datum temp to start at that levels VRT. The message box then falls away and the density and VRT are still correct. Is this the best approach when working with micro models of a larger mine? Thanks MC
  4. Hi I would like to be toggle various heat sources on and off currently you can only toggle heat either on of off via the visibility menu, unless there is another way to do this? For example I would like to only show the vehicle I have in the simulation visible and not display the other sources of heat icons. I often have use the linear source heat input to assist in calibrating my models. However when you have the linear sources and vehicles displayed it makes your model look "busy". I have attached and image to show what I'm referring to. Thanks MC
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