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Cavitation Errors


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For the pumps, you need to increase pressure on the suction. There would be 2 general ways:

  • Placing the pump lower than the tank.
  • Having less resistance between the tank and pump (shorter length, bigger pipes…)

For pipes, it depends more on each case.

  • It can happen due to too high pressure loss, so bigger pipes or valves can help.
  • Also, sometime placing a valve at the outlet to increase the pressure in the line can help.


A common case is also having the pressure loss happening before pressure gain.

For example, if you go 50m horizontal then 50m vertical you have risk of cavitation but if you go vertical then horizontal, you won’t have cavitation.


In Pumpsim, colouring by pressure can help you find where the highest pressure loss occur.


Let me know if I can help more.






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