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Blast clearance solution playback and limits

Miguel Coelho

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I have a few questions that I couldn't find as previously answered in the forum.

I'm in the process of simulating blast clearances in Ventsim 6.

1. How do I playback the blast clearance? I was trying to move the slider in the image below backwards to playback the blast clearance but it doesn't allow that function.

I would like to be able to step through the blast clearance simulation to various points in time to and visually see the blast fume clearance. 


2. How do I set the blast clearance limits or is Ventsim setup to clear on 0ppm CO & NOx?

I would like to be able to set a clearance by the OEL of the applicable mine standards or mining legislation? In my case 25 ppm for CO and 3 ppm for NOx.

3. Is there a way to have the blast solution ignore areas that have flows of less than Xm3/s (in my example <3m3/s) which contain blast fumes and are immaterial to the blast solution?

Thank you for the assistance.

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Hi Miguel,

I think there is a bug with replay on the explosive sim.  I have been testing it out and confirm that it doesn't seem to be working. While we take a look at fixing this, one thing I would recommend is to place a dynamic monitor in the key locations. Then run the simulation through. You will then be able to click on the monitors that were in place and view the simulated results over time.

For point 2 and 3, there isn't a "clear" status in Ventsim that you need to adjust a setting for.  You can use the colour legend if you want to have it visually clear by adjusting the scale to suit.  So you also don't have to worry about ignoring certain areas as there is no clear status that they would be holding up.  The recommended method is to place monitors in the important locations and then review when they become clear below your acceptable levels.


After running the explosive sim you can use the display mode (magnifying glass) to click on the monitors and it will open the data for that location for the period of the simulation

You can also click the button on the top right to copy the data to a table format


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